Our updated 2024 Google Sheets are now onilne. Please make sure you use the current file and not 2023 Sheets. If you have any issues making updates, read below before contacting the MBMA Officers.
For best results, access Google Sheets on a computer. You do not need a Google account to access our documents.
Some phone browsers do not allow editing. Depending on your phone & browser, you may only be able to view sheets. If you have issues, you can try a different browser (Chrome, Safari...)
For best results on a phone, use the Google Sheets App (links below.)
Once you update a sheet, you do not need to save the file. Changes are saved automatically.
Please don't edit/delete any information on the sheets other than your own. If you make a mistake, please let us know ASAP.
If you still have issues, until we find permanent solutions to the problems, please email mbmagolf@gmail.com and ask us to update the sheet for you. Thanks.
Google Sheets App for iPhone
Google Sheets App for Android